Helps reduce inflammation and infections
Tissue Salts can be used on their own or in recommended combinations to balance and restore a variety of deficiencies. The Infection mix is a selection of specific Schuessler salts that help reduce inflammation and infections.
Can be taken everyday.
1Kg Powder Biochemic Tissue Salts:
Calcium Sulphuricum, Ferrum Phosphoricum, Kalium Muriaticum, Kalium Phosphoricum, Kalium Sulphuricum, Natrium Muriaticum, Natrium Phosphoricum, Natrium Sulphuricum, Silicea, Zincum Muriaticum, Selenium
Starch, mannitol, 10% lactose (milk and sugar).
Tissue Salt triturated either to the 6th or 12th decimal dilution in lactose according to German Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia.
Also available in 300g Powder.