TISSUE SALT NO.1 CALC FLUOR D12 (Calcium Fluoride)
Calcium Fluoride is found in tissues, organs, blood vessels, ligaments & tendons.
Calc Fluor promotes healthy hair, nails, tooth enamel and supple skin.
Deficiencies of Calc Fluor include conditions where tissues are relaxed, elastic fibers are flaccid, muscles and blood vessels are weak. Deficiencies also affect hard or cracked skin, tooth enamel and the surface of bones.
• Muscle strain, muscle injuries, backache
• Strained/torn tendons and ligaments
• Inflexible joints
• Flat feet or dropped arches
• Piles, Fissures, Hernias
• Prolapsed organs
• Constipation
• Stretch marks
• Sluggish circulation & coldness
• Varicose veins
• Haemorrhoids
• Cracked skin - lips, heels, finger tips
• Callouses
• Cataracts
• Brittle bones, nails (whitlows)
• Teeth enamel discolored or deficient, unnaturally loose teeth
• Boils in gums/jaw bones
• Hard lumps in breasts
Facial Signs include:
• Cubicle folds Single lines which run from the inner corner of the eyes and down below the eyes.
• The longer and deeper these lines are, the greater the deficiency
• Blue lips, chapped lips and translucent tips of teeth
• Raised or fan-shaped wrinkles around the eyes
• Early formation of wrinkles
Tissue Salts can be used on their own or in recommended combinations to balance and restore a variety of deficiencies.
Calc Fluor is slow in action and usually needs replacement over a long period of time
Available in Tablets (120) and Powder (300g or 1Kg)